Accessibility statement

Newlon Housing Trust is committed to ensuring that this website is accessible to all of our customers. We want you to be able to control the pages on this site so that you view it in the way you want to, whether this is in a larger font or a different language.

We aim to make our site easily viewed by and accessible to everyone, regardless of technology (browser or computer equipment), or ability. We continually make improvements to the accessibility and usability of this site, based on available standards and guidelines, as well as feedback from our residents and website visitors.


Accessibility standards

This website meets the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0.
In the coding of the site, we strive to adhere to valid XHTML and CSS, so that the site displays correctly in current browsers, and any future browsers will also display it correctly.

Due to the dynamic nature of this website, with content being updated regularly, it is not always possible to guarantee that all areas of the website are at the same level of overall accessibility. We use standard templates and style guidelines in order to strive to the highest possible accessibility. In addition, the overall site accessibility is reviewed regularly.


Viewing this website

Zoom to make text larger
Regardless of which browser you are using you can zoom in to make the text larger: Ctrl + zooms in and Ctrl - zooms out.


Other formats

If you experience any difficulties with our website, need assistance in another language or information in an alternative format, such as Braille, then please call 020 7613 8080 or email